On Sun, 03 Dec 2017 18:49:55 +0100, Boris Feld wrote:
> I thought obsfateprinter was not dependent on the template system but I
> was wrong. It doesn't seems too hard to make obsfate printer
> independent of the templating system.
> Just checking that we are all on the same page, should we update the
> current obsfateprinter to manually format and render an obsfate line?

Perhaps. Non-template version of obsfateprinter() will need to support
translation, which isn't possible in templater. Also "obsfate" template
will be replaced by a real template.

> Or do we create another utility that is not template-dependent that
> could also be called by changeset_printer?

One utility function for both changeset_printer and hgweb if feasible.

That said, hgweb might need a real template to embed hyperlinks.

> Also, do we agree on the general format of obsfate as is it today?
>     Obsfate: rewritten using amend as 2:fdf9bde5129a by test (at 1970-
> 01-01 00:00 +0000)
>     Obsfate: rewritten using amend as 3:65b757b745b9 by test (at 1970-
> 01-01 00:00 +0000)

I have no preference on this.
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