Kyle Lippincott <> writes:

> On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 9:16 AM, Boris FELD <> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I have also been in contact with Mercurial contributors, small
>> contributors and users from Europe. From what we heard, it's both a
>> question of time involvements and energy cost that is a rebuttal to them.
>> It's not the same time and energy cost to make a 6 hours roundtrip travel
>> to the neighboring country versus doing a 24 hours round trip and 8 hours
>> jetlag travel to Japan.
>> I think the sprint is a great way for small contributors to be motivated
>> to keep being involved and sometimes become core contributors. It is also a
>> great opportunity for wild users to discuss their workflows, ask their
>> questions and give us their feedback. I've met many of these European users
>> and small contributor and would be sad to skip an opportunity to keep in
>> touch with them.
> These same reasonings can be *for* having a sprint in Asia as well. :)  We
> have two regular contributors who regularly attend sprints that are in
> Japan already, and at least one more on the IRC channel that expressed
> interest in attending a Japan sprint because they're in Japan; they've
> never attended a Mercurial sprint before.
>> For community members who aren't accustomed to international traveling, it
>> would be even harder for them to travel to a country with a different
>> money, a different language with more challenge to interact in a common
>> language and a different culture. This seems one of the core reason why
>> having sprints on different continents.
>> I think start connecting with the Japan contributors and users is a great
>> opportunity, I would just hope it would not be at the expense of the
>> European community which has been waiting for this sprint for a year. My
>> preference is to keep the next sprint in Europe and introduce a Japan
>> sprint with more concertation.
> "which has been waiting for this sprint for a year" implies some guarantee
> that we're going to have it in Europe every year

Well, that's been the pattern for over 6 years so I have a bit of
sympathy for people assuming that.

> [...]

> To summarize, I'm not sure I have an answer to this question: Why,
> specifically, is having the *Fall 2018* sprint (and the Spring 2020 sprint,
> etc.) in Europe important, vs. having it in Europe in Spring 2019, Fall
> 2020, etc.?  I have to assume it's due to some issue with travel to the
> previous sprint that is *atypical*, and I'm not sure I understand at the
> moment what those issues are.

I don't think there's anything incorrect about your reasoning. I am just
trying to be conscious of the European contributors who have already
made plans for a European site. It doesn't seem fair to those who have
already planned based on the previous continent cycle.

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