On Fri, Jul 31, 2020 at 18:30:57 +0200, Antonio Muci wrote:
> > Il 31/07/2020 17:55 Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.da...@ens-lyon.org> ha 
> > scritto:
> > Moving to a modern Mercurial version, using sparse revlog for storage 
> > and recomputing delta gave a massive boost to storage size and clone 
> > performance.
> At least this reassures that performance-wise mercurial has not fallen
> behind so much.
> The tests performed by Josef and Joerg confirm that a performance
> disadvantage exists indeed, but it's not massive.

Keep in mind that I did only clone testing.  I use both hg and git (hg
because I want to, git because I have to), and I have to admit that
something as simple as 'hg log' / 'git log' feel completely different.
git's log output feel instantaneously on the screen, while hg's takes a
fraction of a second.  It is a small fraction, but it "feels" slower.  I
think this has been diagnosed over and over as slow python startup.

> What concerns me the most are two things:
> 1. scripta manent: when in some years people will google for "mercurial
> performance" they will stumble upon JDK considerations, and take them form
> granted. What will remain in a potential user's head is "mercurial is
> slow, go for git. JDK guys have done the same". There is no other written
> material counterweighting these moves (except for very interesting blog
> entries by Gregory Szorc, possibly), and so the collective mindset slowly
> slips away.

Around 2010, I messed quite a bit with the xfs file system in linux.  It was
really annoying that users found "tuning guide" slashdot posts from
2001-2003 that were completely wrong but they still kept finding them and
using them.  Often, this resulted in worse performance but the users were
also bad at benchmarking so they didn't notice until it was too late and
they file systems had a lot of data.  (I think it has gotten better, but
those horrid guides are still out there.)  In other words, it takes a *lot*
of effort to make sure people on the internet don't find misinformation.  I
don't really know how, but I think it needs to be a concentrated effort to
be "louder" than the misinformation.  (I consider outdated information


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