0> In article <aanlktike5uqw+5_zyzo1bpk_ugnyutd9l6cj6pw12...@mail.gmail.com>,
0> Chris Browet <URL:mailto:c...@semperpax.com> ("Chris") wrote:

Chris> The tests I've been running with Spatialite for the plugin
Chris> incite me of thinking about a *Spatialite backend* for
Chris> Merkaartor, alongside the traditional memory/XML current way.
Chris> The advantages will be a builtin spatial index (hopefully no
Chris> more "indexing...")  and the possibility to load and query far
Chris> greater datasets than is possible today.

0> In article <87r5f029gg....@balti.ashgrove>,
0> Toby Speight <URL:mailto:t.m.speight...@cantab.net> ("Toby") wrote:

Toby> Something I've been contemplating for a while is to build a tool for
Toby> helping find duplicate or very close nodes (without continuously
Toby> switching to and from KeepRight).  It sounds like I should hold off this
Toby> until the spatial index code is stabilised?

0> In article <aanlktinq7bgp_7eitoz6enqtlooqz6y0=k7sh1uvw...@mail.gmail.com>,
0> Chris Browet <URL:mailto:c...@semperpax.com> ("Chris") wrote:

Chris> Not necessarily.
Chris> Using Spatialite as a backend, the usual Node/Way/Relation
Chris> interface will still be there.  What would change is the way
Chris> they are saved/restored and their lifecycle (i.e. they could be
Chris> generated "on-demand" from the backend)

Okay, thanks.

Although I haven't started anything yet, I'm expecting to need to build
a spatial index of the relevant area in order to find proximate pairs,
so I thought that the Spatialite index might save me re-implementing

But I probably need to study the code a bit first.

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