On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 02:50, David Favro <merkaar...@meta-dynamic.com>wrote:

> Hi, here are a couple of patches for basic bug-fixes.
> The first allows merkaartor to compile and work with the latest
> (development)
> gpsd, which will keep it from breaking when it is released; the second
> fixes a
> bug in Layer that manifests during load of .mdc files, perhaps elsewhere as
> well.

Thanks for this. The Layer bug was because I forgot to replace an "All" by
But actually, I changed to Uninitialized because I didn't notice another bug
earlier (type should have been unsigned char, otherwise "All" was not
working properly).
So, I'll revert to "All" everywhere.

> I am aware that the preferred method to submit patches to this project is
> to
> create a merge request in gitorious, and I will do so if you insist, but I
> wonder if it's too much trouble to just pull from my public git repo at
> git://git.meta-dynamic.com/merkaartor.git ?  This is a repo that I set up
> specifically for this purpose, it doesn't contain my dev branches but just
> a
> "for-upstream" branch that contains the changes that I would like you to
> merge.
> Alternatively I can send patches to the mailing-list (as I have here), or
> even
> use gitorious, but what is the advantage of gitorious?  My only objection
> is to
> their terms of service, which seem a little asymmetric in forcing me to
> indemnify them while they do not indemnify me.

> Sorry that I haven't used the bug-tracking system or mailing-list but with
> these
> kind of bugs, the whole work is in figuring out what's wrong -- at that
> point,
> the fix itself is often not difficult.  As a coder (and a user who wants to
> get
> back to mapping), I would prefer to just fix it.

The point of the bug-tracking is less a process issue than to allow me to,
well, track the issues/features/patches.
The list is ok now, because it is quiet and I'm not busy working on big
features. But at time, I just don't have time to handle messages
immediately, and if they slip the first page of my email, there are chances
I might forget about them.

Same thing with pulling from your repo. If I dont do it immediately, I''ll
probably pull things I shouldn't + I might get into merge nightmare.

So, as you have issues with gitorious, please create bugs/features on
merkaartor.be and attach a patch/diff to it. It's as fast as creating a
message on the list...

> Am I correct in assuming that the current status is 0.16 is stable, 0.17 is
> feature-frozen, and 0.18 is development?  If so, wouldn't it make sense to
> make
> some more branches on the repo, like maybe a "devel" branch for new
> features
> (i.e. 0.18), then 0.17 fixes would go into master; or alternatively create
> a
> 0.17 branch for the translations and bug-fixes for the release, and then
> new-feature development would go onto master.
> You're right. Just that I didn't fork 0.17, yet, as I've not started big
developments,(mostly because it would derive me from fixing/optimizing
I'm flexible with myself, though, so I'm still slipping non-core
half-bugs/half-features in ;-)

In the coming weeks, 0.17-fixes will be forked out and master will be tagged
"0.18-dev", starting the ~2 weeks countdown to release.
I keep the fork->release short, otherwise I loose a hell of time backporting
bug fixes between branches (arguably, it is 10 times easier with git than it
was with svn). Just look at the Firefox mess with their betas ;-)

- Chris -
Merkaartor mailing list

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