Probably 5s is a bit aggressive, indeed.
OTOH, a response time in tenths of second seems to make the WMS hardly
useable, IMHO.

I could raise it to 10s-15s, but I'd suggest creating a tilecache proxy for
such a slow response WMS.

- Chris -

2010/11/28 "Petr Morávek [Xificurk]" <>

> Hi,
> I'm using latest development version of Merkaartor and was investigating
> why one of WMS servers that I use stopped working. It turned out that
> the server is really _slow_ and Merkaartor waits "only" 5 seconds for
> reply and then states that the request timed out.
> This is due to the commit 3aff2ab0b26ebd42092c. I think it would be wise
> to make this user configurable, or at least make the timeout large
> enough to eliminate false positives.
> Petr
> PS: The server I mentioned has response times in order of tens of
> seconds. I know that's terribly slow, but it indeed responds.
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