Probably some kind of corruption of your "Projection.xml" file.
In the projection editor, remove (or recreate) all EPSG:31287 related

Or copy the file from the merkaartor install dir to your
Or just delete/rename the one in %USERPROFILE%/.merkaartor

- Chris -

On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 17:39, Boris Cornet <> wrote:

> Hi!
> I have installed the rc5, and suddenly the GeoImage WMS [1] would no
> longer work. Using an http-sniffer, I discovered that wrong
> coordinates were requested [3]
> Now the funny thing is, that it also malfunctions in v0.16.3 now,
> although it was still working a few minutes before I installed rc5.
> Even more strange is the fact, that it still works on v0.16.3 if I use
> the -p command line parameter.
> Any ideas on what goes wrong here?
> This is urgent, since Merkaartor is currently the *only* editor that
> natively supports the strange projection used by GeoImage (there is a
> plugin for JOSM, but is not 100% exact).
> Another strange thing was that I couldn't set the projection to the
> required one [2]. I noticed that the proj4-string in the projection
> editor had changed, it started with 'EPSG:31287">'.
> --
> Good Bye,
>   Boris
> [1] (Orthophotos provided by the Austrian Government)
>  address=""
>  path="/dop-1mfree/?"
>  layers="Luftbild_1m,Luftbild_4m,Satellitenbild_30m"
>  projections="EPSG:31287"
>  format="image/jpg"
>  see also:
>  (in german)
> [2] uses the EPSG:31287 (OEK50) projection
> The working transformation pattern is
> +proj=lcc +lat_1=49 +lat_2=46 +lat_0=47.5 +lon_0=13.33333333333333
> +x_0=400000 +y_0=400000 +ellps=bessel
> +towgs84=577.326,90.129,463.919,5.137,1.474,5.297,2.4232 +units=m +no_defs
> [3] I couldn't get exactly matching bounds, but they are very close.
> 11.3777,47.2578,11.3874,47.2633 using -p translates correctly to
> BBOX=252018.536146,374922.964241,253058.860306,375813.506176
> but without -p 11.3767,47.2572,11.3901,47.2651 translates to
> BBOX=-512602715.049703,-225640115.665159,28866079.921474,237869900.794006
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