Actually, 0.17 is supposed to be equal or a bit faster than 0.16, and I
don't see this on my W7.

Might be a special case of the place you're mapping. Could you send me a mdc
exhibiting those slowdowns, please.

- Chris -

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 15:05, Boris Cornet <> wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm interested if this is a general problem (maybe it's only WinXP
> related or even a problem of my own system only)
> V0.17 is a great improvement, but unfortunately editing is *very*
> slow on my PC (dual-core Pentium e2200, 2,4 GHz, 2 GB RAM, WinXP SP3 -
> not a slow machine at all). Virtual nodes are off.
> When I start dragging a node, CPU momentarily goes to 100% and there
> is a very noticeable delay until the node jumps to the drag position.
> Even worse: if I rest on a position for a while, but continue dragging
> while the delay, there is another delay. But sometimes I see that the
> first position was allright, and release the mousebutton, but
> nevertheless the second drag will happen (although the mouse button is
> already up). Sometimes merkaartor will misinterpret mouse clicks if
> they happen within the delay (obviously the mouse up event is not seen
> in this period).
> There is also a delay when setting a new node while drawing, but this
> is not a problem. However, the dragging issue IS a problem. Compared
> to v0.16.3 it is about 10 times slower (there is a very small delay in
> v0.16 as well). My beloved v0.13.2 did not have any delay at all. I
> remember v0.15 also was that slow, this is the reason I have never used
> it.
> --
> Good Bye,
>   Boris
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