On 12/15/10 18:19, Jean-Claude Repetto wrote:
Le 15/12/2010 17:29, Chris Browet a écrit :
Does Merkaartor sefault immediately or after selecting the Cadastre?
if 1), you might try removing ~/.merkaaror/Startup.mdc

Just after selecting the cadastre plugin. I had already removed the
~/.merkaartor, and the problem remained.
FYI, I am using Linux 64 bits.

Hi Chris,

I have tested the Cadastre plugin on another PC running Linux 32 bits. I don't get a segmentation fault, but this message : "Only vectorized cities can be handled by this plugin and the selected one is still in "Image" format." for all cities, even for cities that I could grab a few weeks ago.

**** "2010-12-16T08:20:27" -- Starting "Merkaartor/0.18 (X11;0.18-dev-46-gcbbd6db)"
------- "using QT version 4.6.3 (built with 4.6.3)"
------- "using PROJ4 version 4.7.0"
------- "using GDAL version 1.7.2"
------- with arguments:  ("merkaartor")
loadProjection  "/home/jcr/.merkaartor/Projections.xml"
loadProjection  "/usr/share/merkaartor/Projections.xml"
loadProjection  ":/Projections.xml"
loadFilter  "/home/jcr/.merkaartor/Filters.xml"
loadFilter  "/usr/share/merkaartor/Filters.xml"
loadFilter  ":/Filters.xml"
z:  6 ; t_x:  0 ; t_y:  0
cross_x:  nan ; cross_y:  nan
Tiles:  1 x 1
tl:  QPointF(nan, nan) ; br:  QPointF(nan, nan)
vp:  QRectF(-1.603e+07,1.17532e+07 3.19437e+07x-4.72859e+07)
vlm:  QRectF(nan,nan nanxnan)
Bg image ratio  inf
Bg image scale 1  QSize(0, 0)  :  QSize(558, 826)
z:  6 ; t_x:  0 ; t_y:  0
cross_x:  nan ; cross_y:  nan
Tiles:  1 x 1
tl:  QPointF(nan, nan) ; br:  QPointF(nan, nan)
vp:  QRectF(-1.603e+07,1.17532e+07 3.1905e+07x-4.72286e+07)
vlm:  QRectF(nan,nan nanxnan)
Bg image ratio  inf
Bg image scale 1  QSize(0, 0)  :  QSize(558, 826)
Ok, I've got a cookie... I LOVE COOKIES.
Ok, I've got a cookie... I LOVE COOKIES.
Ok, I've got a cookie... I LOVE COOKIES.
Ok, I've got a cookie... I LOVE COOKIES.
Ok, I've got a cookie... I LOVE COOKIES.
Ok, I've got a cookie... I LOVE COOKIES.
"numerovoie=&indiceRepetition=&nomvoie=&lieuDit=&ville=MOUANS%20SARTOUX&codePostal=&codeDepartement=006&nbResultatParPage=20&x=0&y=0" "numerovoie=&indiceRepetition=&nomvoie=&lieuDit=&ville=MOUANS%20SARTOUX&codePostal=&codeDepartement=006&nbResultatParPage=20&x=0&y=0"
QMap(("5M084", "MOUANS-SARTOUX - 06370")("5N085", "MOUGINS - 06250"))
SearchDialog::resultsAvailable: QMap(("5M084", "MOUANS-SARTOUX - 06370")("5N085", "MOUGINS - 06250"))
Initializing  "MOUANS-SARTOUX - 06370 (6)"
"numerovoie=&indiceRepetition=&nomvoie=&lieuDit=&ville=MOUANS-SARTOUX%20-%2006370&codePostal=&codeDepartement=000&nbResultatParPage=20&x=0&y=0" "numerovoie=&indiceRepetition=&nomvoie=&lieuDit=&ville=MOUANS-SARTOUX%20-%2006370&codePostal=&codeDepartement=000&nbResultatParPage=20&x=0&y=0"
**** "2010-12-16T08:21:10" -- Ending "Merkaartor 0.18(0.18-dev-46-gcbbd6db)"


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