On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 13:47, Oliver Heesakkers <o...@heesakkers.info>wrote:

> On Monday 27 December 2010 15:09:10 Chris Browet wrote:
> > All,
> >
> > I've updated the "Compiling" (
> http://merkaartor.be/wiki/merkaartor/Compiling)
> > page on the Wiki.
> >
> > Could those compiling from sources review and comment, please?
> > Dependencies are Ubuntu-oriented, because that's my Linux VM box ATM.
> >
> > - Chris -
> >
> Could you elaborate on the purpose of the NVIDIA_HACK? I've tried with
> and without but didn't notice any particular difference, how can I test
> it's usefulness?
> Historically, there was a point in time when NVIDIA users on Linux
experienced specific problems (slowdowns, I think). This "hack" was found by
a user (I'm ATI) to solve the issue.

I guess it was a driver problem, but I'm in no position to assert whether
this is still needed/useful.

- Chris -
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