On Fri, 04 Feb 2011 22:38:57 +0100
Norbert Wenzel <norbert.wenzel.li...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Has there recently been an update to Redmine that causes some
> troubles. I tried to login today but was rejected multiple times.
> After that I tried to reset the password and got the reset link. I
> followed the link and tried to reset my password, but all I got was
> an error message saying my login has already been taken.
> Now I encountered that, despite the error message, I could log in
> with my old password, but I get the "change password" screen as a
> startscreen after login. I could bypass this screen by clicking on my
> username in the upper right corner, which brought me to my profile
> page. I tried changing the timezone settings on my profile page, just
> to test if everything is working properly now, but again I got the
> error message, that my login was already taken. As with resetting the
> password, no change is stored to the database.
> So are there currently issues with Redmine or is there just something 
> really wrong on my side?
> Norbert
I just logged in and changed my timezone successfully.

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