On Friday, February 18, 2011 03:23:04 AM Chris Browet wrote:
> I'm thinking about creating an internal plugin system for python scripts
> (similar to QGIS, I guess, although I never used it).
> The OSM API model would be exposed, i.e. Node, Way, Relation with the API
> attributes (i.e. tags, id, ...)
> Actions would include create/update/delete.
> What do you think? What would be your expectations?

I like the idea. I'd really like to have some kind of manipulation of tags.

Something I'd like to do is importing via spreadsheets…

I'm taking a public domain source (addresses and opening hours of government 
(US) post offices) and slowly encoding them into a spreadsheet. It's faster to 
enter things into a spreadsheet than it is to enter them through 
Merkaartor/whatever editor. I'd like to create an object in Merkaator, run a 
script, and have it prompt me to select a line of the spreadsheet, and have 
each of the columns associated with that line imported as tags for that object 
in Merkaartor.

At the moment, the way I am trying to do this is a hack munging .OSM files… 
which isn't going well. Integration as a plugin into Merkaartor would be much 
more user-friendly.

Samat K Jain <http://samat.org/> | GPG: 0x4A456FBA

Barth's Distinction: There are two types of people: those who divide people 
into two types, and those who don't.
-- None (355)

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