It's a known issue. In git, I'm using some functions only available in Qt
I still have to write the equivalent function for older Qt versions.

Karmic is 9.04 LTS, right? So I guess you cannot install Qt 4.7 so you'll
have to stick to 0.17 for the moment...

- Chris -

On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 07:01, Manoj Bist <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to build Merkaartor from git sources on Ubuntu karmic.
> I've qt4.5.3 installed on the machine I am trying to do the build on.
> Document.cpp: In static member function ‘static Document*
> Document::fromXML(QString, QXmlStreamReader&, double, LayerDock*,
> QProgressDialog*)’:
> Document.cpp:246: error: ‘class QXmlStreamReader’ has no member named
> ‘skipCurrentElement’
> Document.cpp: In static member function ‘static Document*
> Document::getDocumentFromXml(QDomDocument*)’:
> Document.cpp:928: error: ‘class QXmlStreamReader’ has no member named
> ‘skipCurrentElement’
> I would really appreciate any insights into troubleshooting this.
> Thanks,
> --MB.
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