> I can even prove...
> Now *WHERE* is this going??

Several years ago I spent an afternoon reading alt.cascade.

There was a thread of bragging about what an excellent engineer the
poster was (not unlike this one.)

The form was, I have <serious CS feat> running on <minimal hardware>.

You know, like, I have X-windows running under linux on a 386-20
with 4 Megs of ram, that's nothing, I have a vt100 emulator running
on a ZX81, I'm running BOVINE on the PLL-chip in my stereo, and so

As I recall, the one that made me laugh so hard I fell off my chair

"I have concurrent parallel molecular models of the known universe
running on a single paperclip"

Hmm.  I guess you had to have been there.
 David Nicol 816.235.1187 UMKC Network Operations [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                 "No... I think I hit the group code."

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