At 01:29 PM 10/28/98 -0700, Chuck Baker wrote:
>       I think my Prime95 broke!  I am on iteneration 479162/5518463 and get a
>continuous stream of "ERROR: ILLEGAL SUMOUT" messages which are constantly
>sent to the primenet server.  I am running version 16.3.1 of Prime95.  I
>have no choice but to shut it down until I figure out what went wrong.  Any

This is probably an interaction with some new piece of software.
I know that the OS should protect you from such interactions, but
this problem is quite common.

Have you installed any new device drivers lately - especially those
that might use MMX (audio and midi cards)?  Are you running any new

The good news is that these errors do not seem to affect prime95's
accuracy (unlike other error messages).  A recent double-check had
3 SUMOUT errors, but the residues matched anyway.

Hope that helps,

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