On Thu, 12 Nov 1998, George Woltman wrote:

> For those on a tight budget, consider building a machine around
> the Intel Celeron 300A.  There have been many success stories 
> overclocking this chip to 450MHz with a 100MHz front-side bus.
> This suggestion is only for the most knowledgable hardware 
> enthusiasts - see the Usenet newsgroup comp.sys.intel for more
> information and ideas.

I have a question about the new Celeron chips with the 128K cache.
Suppose one were to get an overclockable Celeron 300A and ran it at
450MHz.  That would mean you would have 128K of L2 cache running at 450MHz
(I might not have some of this right--if so, someone please let me know!).
I wonder how it would compare speedwise (running LL tests on an exponent
in the 5500000 to 6000000 range, say) to a regular PII-450 with 512K L2
cache running at 1/2 the processor speed?  The Celeron L2 cache would be
quicker, but would that be offset by it's small size (relative to the PII
cache) when running LL tests?  Has anyone done any systematic testing?
I've seen reports of overclocked Celeron 300A chips benchmarking as high
as PII-450 chips, but I suspect that LL tests are such that this might not
be true for those of us in GIMPS.


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