On Sat 14 Nov, Jon Edwards wrote:
> Ok, let's see.
> 3x2=6
> But what about 8?  It's factors are 1 and 8 and 2 and 4.  That doesn't work
> too well.
> Jon
> >I ran across an interesting statement on the top of a math paper that I
> >was helping my sister with.  It said that every even number greater than 4
> >is the sum of two primes.  I am curious if this has been proven and if
> >anyone knows where I could find more info about this.  Thanks.

Ok let's read the original query properly
8=3 + 5 that is it is the SUM of two primes. Factors are not relevant to
this conjecture, which was made by Goldbach actually states that anyeven
number greater than 2 is the sum of two prime numbers.
I believe the conjecture has been shown to be true for very large even
numbers but as yet no one has given a proof.

Michael Clark, Christchurch,New Zealand.
Learning is fun. Free education is a joke.
Is knowledge general or sense common?

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