Actually, the 8088 ran at slightly over 8 MHz.  The 8086, an earlier
version, ran at 4.77.  An 8088 was my first computer... Ah.  Memories.

Ryan McGarry

1977: 1Mhz 6502 or 4Mhz Z80  (also the Vax 11/780; Mhz?)
1981: 4.77Mhz 8088 in the IBM PC
1984: 6Mhz 80286 in the IBM AT
1986: 16Mhz 80386 in a Compaq
1990: 33Mhz 80386 (mine just turned 9 & still runs, with its third hard
       the first drive cost about $10/MB)

Mhz alone is not a direct measure of performance, even with equal word
In 1983 I programmed a single-board PDP-11 clocked around 21Mhz in
and since it had no  multiply or divide instruction, it took
about 480 microseconds to do a 16x16 unsigned integer multiply, which is 
far longer than the 30 microseconds or so that a 4.77Mhz 8088 would

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