Robert G. Wilson v, PhD ATP wrote:

> All you have to do is look it up in Neil J.A. Sloane's "The Encyclopedia of
> Integer Sequences," Academic Press, 1995.  Or better yet, look it up online
> at .   Bob.

Thanks for the site Dr. Bob!  Thats a cool one.  Yesterday a coworker
saw my six page printout of the Great Number on the wall of my office,
asked, and I explained GIMPS and the LL algorithm, how the program
checks to see if M(n) divides S(n).  He is a clever chap and asked why
prime95 starts from scratch calculating S(n) instead of getting it from
a previous check: if you calculated S(6000001) and your needed
S(6000031) for your next check, for instance, why would you not take
the previously calced S(6000001) then square and subtract 2 thirty times.

I pointed at the Great Number and said: Because S(3021377) has this
many bits.  Knock off a dozen digits, and it would take that many years
just to send the data from one computer to another.

I felt pretty smart.  Then he asked: if S(n) has so many bits, how does a
desktop computer handle it?

Me:  duuuuuuuh.  I dont know.  {8-[

Do you know?  Can someone explain it to me in words an ordinary
person would understand, how the Prime95 LL algorithm works? spike

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