>  Without a proof Meganet's primality test is still a probabilistic 
>so why not use a free one.  Here is one, no marketing hype, no
>endorsements and no "T-sequences"!  Compile with GNU-MP.
>#include <stdio.h>
>#include "gmp.h"
>int main() {
>       mpz_t   N;
>       mpz_init (N);
>       printf ("Enter number:\t");
>       mpz_inp_str (N, stdin, 10);
>       if (mpz_probab_prime_p (N, 100)) printf ("Prime\n");
>       else printf ("Composite\n");
>return (0);

Better still, change the number of iterations in the probable-prime test 
to 1000 and claim that your test is "1000% likely" to prove primality. 
Wouldn't that be impressive on a corporate web page? :)
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