Benny Van Houdt asked about checking 2 mod Mp for "square-ness". [digest

The hard way is to square every number from sqrt(Mp) to Mp-1, mod Mp, for
equality to 2. This will take ~`(Mp-sqrt(Mp)) square/mod operations, or
O(Mp)...too long.

Another way to look at this: if x == 2 (mod Mp), then x = kMp+2. X is square
if sqrt(kMp+2) is an integer.

If there was a "square" test, this approach would still take ~Mp tests. What
we need here is some way to construct k, or at least eliminate k's faster
than the growth rate of Mp. I would imagine a "square" test would look a lot
like one of the better factoring algorithms.


Shaun Griffith, Texas Instruments MSP Multimedia, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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