> The EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation)  is offering prizes up to $250,000
> for finding huge prime numbers.

No problem with that...

> The first prize is $50,000 for finding a
> prime number larger than 1 million decimal digits, 

We ought to find one of these sooner or later. In fact I think we are 
already "overdue". OK, we *don't* know the true distribution of 
Mersenne primes with more than a million decimal digits (if indeed 
there are any ... though this seems very likely, it isn't proved!)

> the highest prize is
> $250,000 for finding a prime number larger than 1 billion decimal digits.

Good luck to anyone who wants to chase after this!

LL testing of Mersenne numbers seems to offer the best chance of
success, however there are some other types of numbers (e.g. 
Proth numbers) which can be tested almost as quickly (in 

The trouble is that, since testing a 1 million digit Mersenne number 
takes a few days on a system which is "fast" by current standards, 
a 1 billion digit number is going to take A Long Long Time. Using 
64-bit floating-point arithmetic the transform size is going to be 
1000 times as large, i.e. 160M as opposed to 160K, and the 
memory required will be huge, you will need gigabytes of RAM to 
store the work vectors. Assuming that your 160M transform is as 
efficient as the existing code, and that you can execute it without 
page faulting all over the place, it will still take 1000 times as long 
to compute each iteration, i.e. a couple of minutes per iteration on 
a fastish Pentium II system. With about 3 billion iterations to 
compute, that works out at approx. 6 billion minutes = 100 million 
hours = 4 million days = 10,000 years to complete the test.

(Forgive me for using single digit precision ... I'm trying to make a 
point rather than an exact computation)

The EFF's $250,000 would seem to be safe enough from Prime95!

To really attack the problem, you'd need a great many very fast 
processors (possibly specialised hardware), and a variant of the 
FFT enabling each iteration to be distributed across the processors 
in a massively parallel manner. It probably isn't impossible to 
construct such a system, but, on the other hand, at the moment it 
would most likely cost a great deal more than $250,000, and would 
still take a very long time to test M(~3 billion). It would probably be 
cost-effective, instead of rushing into hardware now, to wait a few 
years (with the money in the bank earning interest, instead of in 
rapidly-self-obsoleting silicon) then buy much more powerful 
hardware with the (bit more) money in your pocket, and still finish 
the computation sooner.

I see the EFF "prize" as being an incentive for research groups 
(probably noone else, except the Chudnovskys, if they don't count 
as "professional researchers") could mount a realistic challenge at 
the current time) to develop hardware, which would be applicable to 
other tasks. There may be an "ulterior motive" - if that sort of 
computing power was available to government agencies, messages 
encrypted using strong techniques and 1024 bit keys would be 
about as hard to read as plain text...

Brian Beesley
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