>From: Paul Leyland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>My home box is on the web only very intermittently.  It finished a LL 
>several days ago and did not have another exponent ready to test, so I 
>it going on some ECM factoring.

I run ECM with a separate copy of Prime95, stored in its own directory. 
This ends to reduce complications. I can also run ECM simultaneously 
with LL testing this way, and keep separate results files for both kinds 
of work.

This brings me to a couple of questions:

1. Is it okay to add a mark to the ECM copy's results.txt file to remind 
myself which results entries I have sent to George? I don't want to 
change the file manually if the program ever reads it and depends on its 
being in a certain format.

2. Is it less efficient to run two copies of Prime95 simultaneously one 
a single-processor machine than to run them sequentially? They share 
processor time (as reported by WinTop) equally when both are working, 
but perhaps something is lost in the need to time-share two 
FPU-intensive programs.

[Oddly enough, I have noticed that sometimes when I start the ECM copy 
of Prime95, it gets 70% to 75% of CPU time instead of the usual share of 
just under 50%. Can anyone explain why this happens?]

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