Some of my NTprimes 16.x did the same thing.
I found "Exponent not assigned to us" in log files.
So I checked user information dialog, and found my ID and PW were changed.
One of the CPUs is located in security area, and is protected by
administrator's password, so nobody can operate that machine.
I manually correct my user information, and it works well, but does the new
Primenet server change client's user information via network???

At  2:03 PM 99.2.15 -0500, Glenn Maitz wrote:
>   One of my computers returned a result via Primenet for an exponent on
>Feb. 6th. But although my personal account report shows that it was
>received, there was no increase in number of exponents (should have been
>my 31st) or CPU years. There must be a glitch in the new server
>software. I hope it is not being reassigned to someone else.

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