Dear all

The following item can be found in Japan Times ST 
on Friday, Feb. 26 1999.

Early China math predates Greeks:
   PARIS (AFP) - Chinesne mathematicians used formulae 
2000 yaers ago comparable to the algorithms used by 
computer scientists today, says a French scientist and 
Sinologist who is translating a classical ancient Chinese 
   In a newsletter publishied by the National Center for 
Scientific Research, Karine Chemla says she and a Chinese
colleague,  Guo Shuchun, found problems in "Nine chapters
on mathematical procedures," which until now were thought 
to have been first tackled by ancient Greek mathematicians.
   The ancient Chinese work, by unknown authors, dates from 
a period spanning the two centuries immediately before and
after the birth of Jesus Christ.

Could you tell me how to get the newsletter by NCSR.

Best wishes 
Hiroshi Kotera
1014-4 Tokujyo-cho 
Nara City 630-8144 JAPAN

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