>       Does anyone know if NFSNet is still operational and if they
>have a web site?  I've had two people ask in the last week.

I don't know, but it's a shame if they're not. I enjoyed being a part
of NFSNet. 

As LL tests begin to go beyond the limits of older machines, now may
be a good time to consider a distributed factoring effort. I've wanted
to see one for a while now but frankly, implementing many of the
algorithms is over my head. That, and the lack of a permanent home
have made me shelf it. If, however, anyone wants to talk about
donating code or a server, I don't see why we couldn't make one, and
factor some of the unfinished mersennes.

In my mind, the v17 bug illustrates how important factoring is. It
provides an easily-verified proof of compositeness.

>I recently dicovered all of the web sites I host are blocked by

This is very strange, but it may be an accident. For example, my isp
somehow made a "spammer list" once, and I still occasionally have
problems because of it.

>Those won't last long, I'm sure. I got about eight people to join and less
>than half are still crunching for primenet. Oh well, even one is a good

I personally own one machine, a pentium 166. Last time I looked, I was
also 65th on the ips top producers, due entirely to founding a team
and recruiting people. Basically, neither the prize, nor the bug seem
to have had very much effect on the team overall, but almost everyone
got "hooked" after a while and began leaving their machines on a
little longer, asking more questions, etc.
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