> From: Joth Tupper

> As I was not
> currently logged on, a DUN connectoid popped up.  I cancelled the
> connectoid and prime95 crashed pretty fatally in
> a dll (I goofed:  I did not write down the name of the dll and
> did not save
> the crash data ... rpdc.dll??)

This sounds like the rpcnet.dll problem.  I run it on my laptop and even
when I'm not connected, Prime95 will gracefully continue even when it can't
contact the Primenet server.

On my desktop machines though, when it tries to contact Primenet and can't I
always get the rpcnet.dll error.

Well, it's easy enough to fix.  Switch to use HTTP instead of RPC.  I've
noticed that HTTP is faster both when timing out and when connecting, so
it's just as well to leave it set at that.

Used to be (if I recall) that RPC was the only way to talk to Primenet, but
since many firewalls block it, HTTP was developed.  Forgive me if I'm
destroying the history of Primenet, Scott. :-)

Perhaps it's time to retire RPC or fix the problems.  Maybe a "feeler" could
be sent to see if the network is active and if not, cancel the attempt to
connect, just as a kluge around the bug.

> This is probably old news to lots of people, but I wanted to pass it along
> in case others are getting hit by it.

It has been mentioned before, but I didn't remember it until it happened.


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