> First order of business is a plan of action - formulating the QA test suite.

Something that is already built-in to 'mprime' is the self-test.
Could the QA people please investigate adding another test-suite
(or updating the old one) so that people on other platforms (i.e.,
people who are running a port of 'mprime' rather than the original
'mprime' itself, or maybe even people who have *changed* the code
for a non-Intel chip) could run that test-suite and be reasonably
sure that their hardware/software combo *is* working properly.

> How much CPU power are we going to require?  Would enough tests to keep
> 5 volunteers busy for 24 hours suffice?

Let's assume that new versions of 'mprime' will take more than
three months to create.  Then what is being validated by a QA
suite is the ability to run productively for 100+ days.  Surely
24 hours is *not* too much overhead, if confidence is gained.


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