Hi all,

At 11:23 AM 4/4/99 -0700, Terry S. Arnold wrote:
>The top producers report over at Georges site appears to have wiped out all 
>of the V17 work (and maybe some more) while the equivalent report on 
>Scott's site has not. Could we at least be consistent.

I just loaded the latest Top Producers page and v17 work should be

As Scott noted, the Primenet server's page and mersenne.Org's
page track two different things.  Historically, mersenne.org
does not track factoring work (I don't have the data to do so),
decredits LL tests that were later found bad or a factor was found.
It also applies the timings of the latest prime95 to produce its

However, I understand that some people use that page as a motivator,
and the v17 bug was my fault, so I've changed my programs to
include those bad results.  I thought about "phasing out" the
credit for these v17 results (just so I don't have to track them),
but did not reach a definitive decision.

Note that when the next version of prime95 comes out, everyone
will take a hit as the new faster timings are applied.  Use the
page as a rough indicator of where you stand relative to other
GIMPS members.  Don't take it as an overly accurate accounting
of every CPU cycle you have invested.

Best regards,

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