On Wed, 14 Apr 1999, Guillermo Ballester Valor wrote:
> Hi to all:
> Henrik Olsen wrote:
> > 
> > On Tue, 13 Apr 1999, Ernst W. Mayer wrote:
> > > A bit off-topic, but I think there are enough Linux users out there
> > > to justify it. Check out
> > >
> You are right, I think. I am a new user of linux, then a new mprime
> user. I run both prime95/mprime in Win95/linux O.S. using the same
> directory and files (except the executable file, of course). 99% of
> iterations are made by mprime, 1% by prime95. Actually, I only use
> prime95 like an administartion tool to configure the *.ini files. 
> I know I can do that simply editing the files... but I like GUI in
> prime95.

I wrote a small tcl program to keep the last 25 lines of mprime's output in a
file. I am planning to write a tcl/tk program to look at that file and tell me
when mprime wants to connect and, having connected, when it's finished so that
I can disconnect. But I don't know how to change the parameters of a running
mprime. Can I open mprime bidirectionally from the tcl program and pass it
commands? Or could mprime be modified to listen to some port, and then I could
run a client to get at its menu? I run it as root, from rc.local, before any
consoles are gotty.

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