On Mon, May 03, 1999 at 11:22:02AM -0700, Mersenne Digest wrote:
>Also, I'm wondering if any pattern begins to occur in the N=N^2-2 % 2^P-1
>sequence... Do you think N ever repeats itself? Has anyone checked this?

I checked it some years ago. It doesn't seem to. (But Mandelbrot fractals
do, that's where I got the idea from originally.) But don't take my word for
it, I was merely playing with Java's BigInteger class, and I don't think I
tested it extensively.


>Well, could anybody explain me the FFT-Algorithm. I'd be very pleased about
>it, because I've not found any usefull stuff in the NET

If you read George's source, he gives you an excellent advice: Go buy a book :-)
FFTs are (I guess) really serious maths, and you will need both a good
background _and_ a good textbook. Honestly, the Net doesn't contain very much
advanced material such as this.

/* Steinar */
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