In <URL:news:local.mersenne> on Tue 04 May, Brian J Beesley wrote:
> I'm still "rather hazy" (read, totally baffled) on exactly how  the
> Crandall-Fagin procedure works, so I don't know if you could  adapt NTT to
> do the mod 2^p-1 automatically. But my gut feeling is  that it ought to be
> possible.

It is possible.  That is how my StrongARM code works.  The maths for the
irrational base transform all works out provided the relevant fractional
powers of 2 exist in the field you are using  (ie for a transform of length n
there must exists a number x so that x^n = 2).  Whether this is the complex
field or some other Galois field it doesn't matter.  This puts some
constraints on which modulus you can use...  My code uses GF(2^64-2^32+1)
which works for DWTs up to 2^26 bits (67 million).  The 'interesting' binary
representation of this number makes for lots of short cuts when taking the
modulus also.

Nick Craig-Wood

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