On the theory that at least one other person is interested in the
computational effort required to go after the EFF prizes for the larger
prime numbers, I made some rough extrapolations from George's "Status" table
and came to the following conclusions (generally to one significant figure):

Ten-million-digit prime
On the order of M33000000, FFT size 1408, 7 P-90 seconds per iteration, 8
P-90 years per exponent.

One-hundred-million digit prime
On the order of M330000000, FFT size 3072, 80 P-90 seconds per iteration,
and 800 P-90 years per exponent.  If I postulate the existance of a 900Mhz
Pentium, the computation time for a LL test drops to merely 80 years per

And, finally, the giga-digit prime:
M3300000000, FFT size 4736, this time postulating a 90Ghz Pentium (three
orders of magnitude faster than the current reference), the single iteration
time is a "mere" 0.8 seconds per iteration, but since the algorithm requires
~3 billion passes, the per-exponent test time is still 80 years.

These times are all PER EXPONENT; historical evidence suggests many
exponents would have to be tested for each prime found.

I would imagine the EFF folks could probably put a dollar in a savings
account now, and it will grow  via interest to fund the largest prize by the
time it's claimed.  ;-)


John Gilmore
(Not the one at EFF)
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