I checked out an exponent tonight using the manual testing forms... My account 
report says 
that the exponent should be done in 183 days, but that it expires in 120 days. Is this 
normal, because it dosen't sound right. 

     Just out of curiosity, has GIMPS shown any hit in performance since SETI@Home 
started? I thought about switching projects, but stayed here because I figured SETI 
whould have enough people and I didn't like the way it wasted cycles when the 
screensaver wasen't running.

    The kindof sad part of GIMPS is that since we live in a universe of finite time, 
and primes are _infinite_ we can never even claim to have found even one millionth of 
one percent, much less all of them. With SETI@Home, once contact is made (if ever) its 
all over. At least we know we will never run out of work!

    As far as the reward for finding a new primes goes, if my slow K6 actualy finds 
one, George Woltman and Scott Kurowski will be getting at least $10,00 of it each... 
if not more, because really, they did all the work. I only spent 3 or 4 minutes 
downloading and installing the program.

As Spike Jones said in his lithiverse...
"Thank you very much, Lucas and Lehmer. May you and all GIMPSers live for all eternity 
in mathematical nerdvana. Good night {8^D spike"

I coulden't have said it better my self (or anywhere close for that matter) and indeed 
good night, its nearly 1 in the morning :)

Good Luck Everyone!!!!!

---Aaron  Schauf---
ICQ# 3491535
*Insert good quote here* :)

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