On Sat, Jun 05, 1999 at 11:07:04PM -0600, Paul Derbyshire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Erm? Regardless of when I found out, it remains a fact that to release
> non-beta software to the general public without a thorough testing *is* a rash
> act.

The software *was* tested - the testing missed this particular problem.
The testing has been improved since then - if you'd like to help it
improve even more you're been invited to contribute.  George has
apologized, at length.  Another prime has (most likely, double-check
pending) been found. The world continues to turn.

> >From my point of view, it isn't "long after the fact". It was yesterday.

Yay you.  Can we let this topic drop now?


Bryan Fullerton                http://www.samurai.com/
Core Competency
Samurai Consulting
"No, we don't do seppuku."     Can you feel the Ohmu call?
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