Oh, evil weasels are present everywhere.

<<Are you sure of that? What if the bug didn't happen to strike my run, or the
errors could be corrected?>>
Cannot be corrected. The error is present in the first iteration. And the bug 
DID strike your run.

<<If what you say is true, then whoever designed version 17>>
GEORGE WOLTMAN. You should *at least* know the guy's name! He has provided 
you with absolutely free software, constant updates, and even took care of 
ALL exponent assigning not too long ago. Augh!
<<acted in a completely unconscionably rash manner by releasing it without 
testing it for problems as serious as that.>>
It WAS thoroughly tested for problems. And for the FIRST TIME in so many 
versions, a single little crappy bug (it encompassed only a few lines) 
weaseled its way in. 

<<And has therefore shot the whole GIMPS effort in the foot by setting it 
back many weeks.>>
Oh my God! NOT A FEW WEEKS! NOOOOOO! Come on. Think about it. GIMPS' 
computers are faster than when v17 was released. We have many more of them. 
The v17 bug will heal over AND THEN SOME in a month (or whatever). It is NOT 
that serious. You know, I got some 7.6mil exponents a week ago. That's the 
highest ever. Woltman also released v18 very promptly as well. YOU try 
programming such a teriffic, well-behaved, crash-resistant program, with no 
pay, and even insults from weasels like you. Mr. Woltman deserves 
commendation, not what you're giving him.

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