At 03:53 PM 6/6/99 +0200, you wrote:
>To everyone reading (and answering) this subject:
>The guy is trolling. We are all going into his troll. (This is proven by the 
>fact that he just *wont* stop.)

I agree, he's trolling.  He claimed to be a programmer, but then over and 
over he claimed that bugs should *always* be caught in testing, prior
to release.  That proves he's lying, because no programmer can believe
that happens in the real world.  Shoot, I wouldn't think any computer
user, much less programmer, would believe that.  I'd been about to cuss 
him out prior to realizing that he was a troll.

Maybe we'll get lucky and his ISP will screw him again...  :^)

Stephen Whitis
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