Don't bring me into this. I'll just reply to your attacks on me...

> >So basically, you are on some sort of drugs or something?
>    I think so!
> >I hate to jump to my brother's defence here, but I think 
> that the point
> >was
> >to prove 100% that M37 was really M37 and not M38 or M39 or whatever,
> >thus
> >being able to get rid of the '?' on the GIMPs page. :)
>    Yes, I know...just'll happen, eventually!

How is someone having "fun" finding a prime with thier 486 helping the GIMPS
community as a whole? If they really wanted to contribute to the effort of
finding new Mersenne primes, then their efforts would be better directed by
doing factoring or double checking.

I don't understand the hostility here... so if the EFF builds a Mersenne
finder and does LL tests on M4-M10,000,000 or whatever, are we all supposed
to get mad at them for doing so? Sorry, I'd think it was cool...

> >I think that in the spirit of a "team" effort, assigning an 
> LL test to
> >a 486
> >is the stupidest and most incosiderate thing a person could 
> do. As far
> >as
> >the GIMPS effort goes, if your LL test is going to take a year, then
> >perhaps
> >you should do a factoring or double check assignment.
>    Thank you for your opinion and your intelligent response.  Could
> you now leave me and the slowish machine's users to have our own
> opinion too?  George does, why can't you and Aaron?

If you bothered to look, I'm just saying that sitting on an exponent with a
386 or something is annoying me. I'm against poaching though, and would like
it if Aaron stopped. So, just because he is my brother, don't attribute his
poaching to me...

> >Now, lets say for example, that the EFF decides they want to build a
> >"Mersenne finding machine", which has 56,000 processors all doing LL
> >tests,
> >and they go right on past your exponent you have had checked out for
> >over a
> >year... would you feel slighted by the EFF? Give me a break 
> folks, you
> >are
> >being way too anal about your assignments.
>    I know...I'm part of, Proth, PiHex, Seti@Home and other
> distributed efforts.

Then you should understand my argument from above... The coders didn't
get all mad at the EFF for building DeepCrack and beating us by a few hours
on DES2-II.

> >I think it is quite clear to me that George and Scott missed a lot of
> >exponents that slipped thru the cracks and my bro just 
> decided to point
> >that out in his own weird way.
>    Yes, I know....which is why I'm trying to point that out...his
> weird way just seems like *wrong* thinking to me.

I think it is wrong too. Don't get me wrong. I think he was just trying to
force the issue.

> > --<snip>--
> >Lastly, what is the deal with reporting my bro to the FBI for
> >"stealing"?
> >What, he stole your assignment? You know, there is a law 
> against making
> >false charges against someone.
>    In what country?

Well, I know there are a few laws in the US. I suppose you could always be
sued for slander or defamation of character in the long run... Really, it
was supposed to be a tongue in cheek comment just like the original one
was... but I guess it slipped past you.

> >P.S. This whole argument is stupid, so why not just drop it. 
> You can't
> >really stop anyone from poaching, so are gonna go cry to George and
> >Scott and say "Aaron stole my exponent which I've been working on for
> 3 yrs".
> >I would say, "Do some factoring next time stupid!"
>     Why don't you read all my replies before deciding to annoy and
> insult me?
> List moderator, do you plan on responding to Jeremy?

What? For doing what? Being resonable? Or is it because I think the argument
is stupid? Sorry for trying to contribute. I suppose I can put all my
computers back on and forget the GIMPS project because you've taken
the "fun" out of it for me. Here I was trying to help out by a) writing a
Java client, b) taking all my computers off and putting them on GIMPS,
c) trying to help improve some of the prime95 code for K6 and PPro/PII
machines, but I guess when it comes to me voicing my opinion, I can't
contribute there... (Insert Monty Python cliche here).

> >As a
> >matter of fact, if Aaron finds a prime in his poached exponents, I'm
> >sure
> >he'll be glad to share credit with whoever had it checked out or
> >whatever.
> >Or for that matter, he would probably just give that person the full
> >credit
> >and not want any credit at all really. So if its your "Place in
> >history" you
> >are worried about, I don't really care.
>       1)    Why are you speaking for him?
>       2)    If you don't care, don't respond to my posts.

1) Because I happen to agree with his stance as far as sitting on exponents
is concerned. His poaching exponents is not kosher as far as I'm concerned.
This is really George's baby, and if he wants to wait a few more years for
M37 to be verified as M37, then fine. I'm just saying that there's a good
chance that someone else will beat the GIMPS people to the punch if someone
is sitting on exponents with slow computers.

2) I said I don't care about the credit. And your posts annoyed me...

Now then, can we just call it a truce and everyone just chill out? Aaron can
stop his poaching, George and Scott can decide what to do about "prime
squatters", and everyone will be happy okay? Really...

Note: I find it really odd that when the Java client was brought up, people
were saying "It'll be too slow" (which it really wasn't) or "Its not worth
it", and now people are saying its okay for some 386 to do LL testing...
Sorry, but the response on this list against my Java client were enough to
dissuade me from pursuing it further. Your loss I guess...
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