All you GIMPS-ers...

Today while I was mindlessly working my body on a treadmill to attempt
to maintain some kind of decent physical condition, I had a thought (it
wasn't intentional... it just happened, honest!).

Has anybody tracked the value of "S" in the LL test?

When you square S over and over and over in one LL test, does that same
value of S come up in a test for another exponent?  Is there a pattern
of S values that can help us shorten the LL test?  If there is a
pattern, and it can be used to calculate a certain S value for some
other (untested?) exponent at some given iteration, then it could cut
weeks off of testing exponents.

Maybe just wishful thinking...  But seriously, has somebody tracked this
kind of data to look for repeating patterns that can be made into

Gary Diehl

--If curiosity killed the cat, then M38 brought him back!
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