I was just looking at a CPU comparison at

The Alpha 21364 at 1GHz is expected to have specint of around 70, and specfp
around 120 (SPEC-95)!!!  Even the 21264 at 667MHz has 44 and 66

Compare that to a PIII 500MHz with 20.6 and 14.7 respectively.  Thus my
proclamation of "Egads!!"

Can't someone write a nice assembly routine for the Alpha?  There's a lot of
power in that beast!

I only mention that because I *may* have a couple Alphas sometime (low
probability, but just the same....)

FWIW, the Sparc Ultra III at 600MHz lists their results as "35+ / 60+"  I
*will* have a couple Sparc's headed my way, though I have no idea what model
they are (won't know 'til they get here...).  I'd sure like to have a nice
fast prime program to run on these since these are my "play toys" according
to my boss - "Aaron, I want you to look for prime numbers on these things"
he specifically told me.  Seriously!  That and the RS/6000 I got coming.  I
love my job.


PS - Did I share my strange story from last week?  I work right across the
street from one of US WEST's main buildings in downtown Denver.  Last week,
on my way into my building, who should be standing there, waiting for the
light, but Gene Carmer, head of US WEST security and one of the people
present during the execution of my search warrant.  Gee whiz!  Had a nice,
cordial conversation, shook hands, ignored the elephant in the room and
talked about other stuff instead like the possibility of US WEST being
bought by QWEST or Global Crossing.  Such a bizarre encounter, but went
well.  I proved to myself that I'm not taking it personally, they're all
just doing their jobs too, and that one day perhaps all will be well with
the world again. :-)

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