> Will change the "engine" to keep going to 2^33 after finding the 
> first factor & report the results from that.

OK, here's the results. (All factors to 2^33 found, input is 159,975 
largest primes < 36 million)

Sieve 6 smallest primes, 3517525 calls, 40.15s
Sieve 10 smallest primes, 2972446 calls, 39.82s
Sieve 14 smallest primes, 2693566 calls, 41.75s
Sieve 18 smallest primes, 2515556 calls, 44.76s

(The first 2 primes are sieved out "mod 120" as in George's code. The 
others are done in groups of 4 since you can do arithmetic modulo p 
in an 8 bit field if p<128)

Model the time as T=aX + bY + Z where X is time per call to the 
factoring routine, Y is time to sieve 1 extra prime and Z is a fixed 
overhead. So we have

2693566X + 14Y + Z = 41.75
2972446X + 10Y + Z = 39.82
3517525X +   6Y + Z = 40.15

Solving this system of equations (to a sensible precision) yields
(X = 8.49E-6,Y = 1.074,Z = 3.84)

The result for 18 primes sieved is consistent with this model to 
within a couple of tenths of a second. The timings come from the PC 
RTC, which has a resulution of 55 mS, so this fit is reasonable.

Will, am sending you an extra message containing the "factors found" 
file for verification.

Brian Beesley
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