
Jan Scheller is having a problem (see below).  Are there any Linux users that
can provide help?  Please include Jan in your reply as Jan is not
subscribed to this mailing list.

I've already recommended the "poor man's" solution of
having mprime not write to disk every 30 minutes.

Best regards


But the fact is that the performance of my mounted hdd win98 (vfat)
partition is very low. All my normal linux (ext2) partitions work with
normal performance. If I execute a command like `ls -l /Win98` (/Win98
is the path of may win98 (vfat) partition) it takes more than a second
to get the result. The second points is, that the swapping seems to be
slower than without running mprime. I run mprime every time at the
lowest priority. 

Is there possibility to rise the performance of my vfat partition while
running mprime?

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