I've done a bit more work on the FAQ,  I added the two responses
Brian sent.  I also broke it up into sections:
1 - introductory stuff
2 - The LL test
3 - Factoring and sieving
4 - Mersenne prime and factor distribution
5 - FFT and DWT
6 - History and Who cares

As the FAQ has grown to 14k, I will conserve our bandwidth, it is available
for any who care to read it.
Section one is pretty well covered (I might add something about nomeclature),
as are sections 2 and 3.  In section 4 I need a fair amount of information
on mersenne prime distribution, and whether or not there are an infinity
of mersenne primes.  I don't know if section 5 will ever get written, or
if it needs to be.  If it does get written it probably won't be by me, since
I don't know enough about such things.  I think that with the aid of Luke's
and Chris Caldwell's sites I should be able to do this pretty easily.

-Lucas Wiman
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