Mersenne Digest         Friday, July 16 1999         Volume 01 : Number 598


Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 14:48:37 +0100
From: "Brian J. Beesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re:  Mersenne: Benford's Law (was: re: Mersenne prime exponent binary)

On 13 Jul 99, at 13:41, Todd Sauke wrote, in reply to my
previous message

> Brian Beesley wrote:
> >Actually we should expect an excess of smaller leading digits over
> >that predicted by "Benford's Law" in this case. A smaller exponent is
> >more likely to be prime than a larger exponent, and a smaller prime
> >exponent is more likely to give rise a Mersenne prime than a larger
> >prime exponent. "Benford's Law" would follow if _every_ exponent
> >(prime or composite) was equally likely to give rise to a Mersenne
> >prime.
> >
> This is not true.  Actually, it is the fact that smaller primes are more
> likely to give Mersennes that theoretically should result in a "Benford's
> Law" type behavior of the second leading bit.  It is in some sense an
> "accident" that Mersenne exponents SHOULD follow Benford's Law (at least
> the second bit generalization of it), and an irony that, due to small
> number statistics, they actually DON'T! (68% zeroes instead of predicted
> 58% or whatever)

The effect I was predicting was small. Experiments indicate it should 
be hard to detect, even with the small numbers of Mersenne primes 
known. The relevant fact is that we have reasonable coverage of 
exponents up to approx. 5 million, not that we know less than 40 
Mersenne primes.

> Benford's Law comes about because of power law scaling of
> some numbers.  Many of the referenced web links emphasized that Benford's
> law is NOT for "regular" numbers, but ONLY for numbers expressing amounts
> in some (human selected) units, and that it is some property of "power law
> scaling" and/or "logarithmic invariance" of arbitrary choice of units to
> express AMOUNTS (NOT numbers) of things that result in Benford's law.
There is an article on this phenomenon in the current on-line issue 
of "New Scientist" (UK), the URL is

Brian Beesley
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Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 15:03:07 +0100
From: "Brian J. Beesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Mersenne: Hyperbola

On 14 Jul 99, at 1:26, Paul Leyland wrote:

> Fermat observed that if one could represent an integer as the difference of
> two squares, its factorization would be at hand; he then gave an efficient
> (for the 17th Century!) algorithm for finding the squares.
> More recently, algorithms such Continued Fraction, Quadratic Sieve and
> Number Field Sieve have all used Fermat's idea in the form x^2-y^2 = kN (k a
> small integer) or, equivalently,  x^2 == y^2 (mod N) to factor N.  The
> algorithms differ in how they construct the x and y and are *much* more
> efficient than Fermat's algorithm, but the underlying idea is the same.
Actually Fermat's Method is extraordinarily efficient at finding a 
factorization n = a * b when (a - b) is small. It's also easy to 
code, needs very little storage and (once initialized) requires only 
relatively low-precision arithmetic, therefore making the attempt 
fast (per iteration).

This is one reason why it's a Very Bad Idea to use the product of a 
pair of primes of similar size as a public key. In fact, Fermat's 
Method will factorize the product of a pair of twin primes almost 
instantaneously, irrespective of their size!

Just out of interest, did anyone ever try Fermat's Method on some of 
the "tougher" numbers in the Cunningham tables ... Fermat's Method 
can be speeded up by a large factor since we _know_ the form of the 
factors - of course, it's still going to fail to find factors in a 
reasonable time unless a pair of factors of very similar size do, in 
fact, exist. Also, any factors found would not neccessarily be prime, 
though cracking the two "halves" ought to be easier than tackling the 

Brian Beesley
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Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 16:58:41 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: RE: Mersenne: Hyperbola

Brian Beesley comments:

> Just out of interest, did anyone ever try Fermat's Method on some of 
> the "tougher" numbers in the Cunningham tables ... Fermat's Method 
> can be speeded up by a large factor since we _know_ the form of the 
> factors - of course, it's still going to fail to find factors in a 
> reasonable time unless a pair of factors of very similar size do, in 
> fact, exist. Also, any factors found would not neccessarily be prime, 
> though cracking the two "halves" ought to be easier than tackling the 
> whole.

    D.H. Lehmer did some cofactors this way.  The largest seems to be
the 33-digit number (2^109 - 2^55 + 1)/5, otherwise known as 2,218L.
See the history pages in the book `Factorizations of b^n +- 1,
b = 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12 up to high powers'
by John Brilhart et al.

     The Continued Fraction method, introduced in the late 1960's,
generalized Fermat's method and made the difference of squares method obsolete.
The P-1 method accelerated this gap.  Today it takes under a second
to factor 2,218L by P-1.

 Montgomery factorization program.  Compiled Tue Jun  3 21:25:54 MET DST 1997.
 Allows inputs up to about 6300 decimal digits.
 Composite cofactor has    33 digits:
 RAND_PRINT - Current random number seed is  198181203 271851921 233382925
 C(2,218L)            p-1             method found divisor near p=      7603
 CHEK - Nontrivial GCD p-1            
 The first number below is the product of the second and the third, as found
 by p-1             after      18285 multiplies and GCDs
 in       0.05 CP seconds at Wed Jul 14 16:52:44 1999
 Probable prime cofactor has     19 digits -- terminating.

     One instance of Fermat's method remains important  -- 
factoring p^2 where p is prime.

     Peter Montgomery

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Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 07:59:23 -0700
From: Paul Leyland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Mersenne: Hyperbola

> From: Brian J. Beesley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> On 14 Jul 99, at 1:26, Paul Leyland wrote:
> > Fermat observed that if one could represent an integer as the difference
> > two squares, its factorization would be at hand; he then gave an
> > (for the 17th Century!) algorithm for finding the squares.
> > 
> > More recently, algorithms such Continued Fraction, Quadratic Sieve and
> > Number Field Sieve have all used Fermat's idea in the form x^2-y^2 = kN
(k a
> > small integer) or, equivalently,  x^2 == y^2 (mod N) to factor N. The
> > algorithms differ in how they construct the x and y and are *much* more
> > efficient than Fermat's algorithm, but the underlying idea is the same.
> > 
> Actually Fermat's Method is extraordinarily efficient at finding a 
> factorization n = a * b when (a - b) is small. It's also easy to 
> code, needs very little storage and (once initialized) requires only
> relatively low-precision arithmetic, therefore making the attempt 
> fast (per iteration).

All of this is completely true, as long as the concept "small" is well

Fermat's method is excellent if (a-b) is about sqrt(a) or
sqrt(sqrt(N)).  If it is much larger than this, Fermat's method is
hopelessly slow.  In a "typical case", Fermat's method is slower than
trial division!  "Typical" needs careful definition, of course.  I
won't go into the assumptions and derivations, but in a "typical"
integer, successive factors (in numerical order) are about twice the
length of their predecessors.  This means that (a-b) is far from
"small".   A more rigorous formulation of this behaviour can be found
in standard texts, such as Knuth's Art of Computer Programming, Vol II.

> This is one reason why it's a Very Bad Idea to use the product of a 
> pair of primes of similar size as a public key. In fact, Fermat's 
> Method will factorize the product of a pair of twin primes almost 
> instantaneously, irrespective of their size!

Indeed, if "similar" is interpreted as is "small" above.  In a typical
case, a 512-bit key, the two primes will have about 78 digits each. 
They have to be identical to the first 35-ish digits to be "similar". 
If the primes are chosen randomly, the random number generator has to
be truly dreadful for that to happen by chance.

> Just out of interest, did anyone ever try Fermat's Method on some of
> the "tougher" numbers in the Cunningham tables ... Fermat's Method 
> can be speeded up by a large factor since we _know_ the form of the 
> factors - of course, it's still going to fail to find factors in a 
> reasonable time unless a pair of factors of very similar size do, in
> fact, exist. Also, any factors found would not neccessarily be prime, 
> though cracking the two "halves" ought to be easier than tackling the
> whole.

Not as far as I know, though some "similar" factors are known from
algebraic considerations.  These are known as Aurifeuillean
factorizations. A simple example is 
2^{2h} + 1 = (2^h-2^k+1) * (2^h+2^k+1) where h = 2k-1.

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Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 09:28:08 -0700
From: "John R Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: phew

Geez, just noticed my newest processor (a 2nd P2-400 added to a dual CPU
mobo) got 3 LL exponents in the 7,993,000 range.  8 million is right around
the corner, phew.

So how far before we hit 64 bit and *really* get nailed for speed??

 prime   fact       days
exponent bits  run / to go / exp   date updated
- -------- ----  -----------------  ---------------
 7993057  63    1.8  25.0  61.0   13-Jul-99 15:33
 7993093  63    1.8  51.0  61.0   13-Jul-99 15:33
 7993099  63    1.8  78.0  61.0   13-Jul-99 15:33

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Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 23:55:40 +0100
From: "Brian J. Beesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Development of Fermat's Method (was: RE: Mersenne: Hyperbola)

On 14 Jul 99, at 7:59, Paul Leyland wrote, in reply to
my earlier message:

> > Actually Fermat's Method is extraordinarily efficient at finding a 
> > factorization n = a * b when (a - b) is small. It's also easy to 
> > code, needs very little storage and (once initialized) requires only
> > relatively low-precision arithmetic, therefore making the attempt 
> > fast (per iteration).
> All of this is completely true, as long as the concept "small" is well
> understood.
> Fermat's method is excellent if (a-b) is about sqrt(a) or
> sqrt(sqrt(N)).  If it is much larger than this, Fermat's method is
> hopelessly slow.  In a "typical case", Fermat's method is slower than
> trial division!

I think you mean we want (a-b) to be _much_ smaller than sqrt(a) if 
Fermat's method is going to succeed reasonably quickly. However, ...

Suppose we take a number which is proving troublesome to factorize, 
e.g. 2^727-1. Factors of this number are going to be of the form 
1454k+1. The number is 219 decimal digits long; we are fairly sure, 
from work expended in ECM, that there are no factors much less than 
45 digits long.

Suppose we multiply 2^727-1 by 100!. The reason for doing this is 
that this just about guarantees that there is some combination of 
factors a, b such that (a-b) << sqrt(a). Therefore we should be able 
to use Fermat's method (or anything else which might be better) and 
get a factorization in a reasonable time. We also know that none the 
factors of 2^727-1 are < 100, so we can then reduce the factors found 
by dividing out of them all the primes < 100. What we're left with 
must surely be the factorization of 2^727-1 (though the remaining 
factors might possibly still be composite).

Now I'm not saying that the effort involved is trivial - I'm sure a 
run length of some hours, days or weeks would be neccessary. Also, 
I'd be very surprised indeed if I'm the first to suggest a trick like 
this, but, is it worth while starting to code this method? The point 
is that it's going to take a fair number of CPU years to complete ECM 
testing on 2^727-1 to the point where we're reasonably sure that 
there are no factors < 10^50; for all we know, there might be only 2 
factors each over 100 digits long, in which case ECM is almost 
certain to fail, unless _much_ faster hardware comes along.

Brian Beesley
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Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 21:22:26 -0400
From: Chris Nash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Development of Fermat's Method (was: RE: Mersenne: Hyperbola)

Hi folks

> Suppose we take a number which is proving troublesome to factorize,
> e.g. 2^727-1. Factors of this number are going to be of the form
> 1454k+1.
> Suppose we multiply 2^727-1 by 100!. The reason for doing this is
> that this just about guarantees that there is some combination of
> factors a, b such that (a-b) << sqrt(a)
> Now I'm not saying that the effort involved is trivial - I'm sure a
> run length of some hours, days or weeks would be neccessary. Also,
> I'd be very surprised indeed if I'm the first to suggest a trick like
> this, but, is it worth while starting to code this method?

I can give a reasonably informed answer to this, having tried it myself. To
use Fermat's method directly on kN in order to factor N, unless you are very
lucky, is no improvement. In the 2^727-1 case, as pointed out, since you
know the form of the factors, it's sufficient to try a=727x+1, for all a
above sqrt(N), to check a^2-N is a perfect square. To preserve this, make
the factor you multiply by a product of factors of the form 1454k+1 - all
the factors of the product are still of this form.

Do we win, or do we lose? Let's suppose that our composite has precisely two
prime factors, and thus direct application of Fermat will uncover only one
non-trivial solution from which we can derive the factor values. If what we
multiply by has k distinct factors, then there are now 2^k useful
solutions - but the number of values of a that we need to try has increased
by more than that factor. In all likelihood, it would take longer...

But don't despair. Since all we have to check for is "a^2-N is a perfect
square", it's easy just to inspect this value modulo many small primes and
sieve out quadratic non-residues. With a few lookup tables, it's easy to
trial-factor at 10^9, even 10^12, values of a per CPU-second. Even so, for a
219-digit number like 2^727-1, and even assuming there's no factor below 40
or so digits, you'd still need 10^60 or more CPU-seconds to spare. (OK if
you've got a universe with nothing else to do).

Unsurprisingly, the method needs a bit of control to be realizable - which
is what the continued fraction method achieves. Each iteration finds a
(relatively) small square modulo N (at worst sqrt(N) in absolute value),
which, after striking out square factors, making sensible choices of which
to store, and judicious combinations, you hope to eventually find
non-trivial a^2=b^2 mod N. Still need a lot of luck, though, and the steps
are now non-trivial...

Chris Nash
Lexington KY
Still a co-discoverer of the largest known *non*-Mersenne prime

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Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 18:48:51 -0700
From: Todd Sauke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Development of Fermat's Method (was: RE: Mersenne: Hyperbola)

Brian Beesley wrote:

>Suppose we multiply 2^727-1 by 100!. The reason for doing this is
>that this just about guarantees that there is some combination of
>factors a, b such that (a-b) << sqrt(a). Therefore we should be able
>to use Fermat's method (or anything else which might be better) and
>get a factorization in a reasonable time.

But the guarantee is not there.
your a  ~ sqrt(2^727 * 100!) ~ 10^188
sqrt(a) ~ 10^94

There are (only) 2^100 ~ 10^30 ways to choose the combinations of factors
of 100! , which are the degrees of freedom.  But they need to be chosen so
that a-b << 10^94 for a (and b) near 10^188.  For f1, a factor of 2^727-1,
near 10^100 it will be nearly impossible (not guaranteed) for (f1 * some
combination of the factors of 100!) to be within one part in 10^94 of a
certain number ~10^188.  The combination of factors of 100! need to be
within 10^-6 of a certain number of size ~ 10^88. 10^30 chances at hitting
a number ~10^88 to within 10^-6 leaves you several dozen orders of
magnitude short of a guarantee.

Best regards,
Todd Sauke
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Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 20:11:39 -0700
From: "John R Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: phew

Steinar H. Gunderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> replies to me...
> On Wed, Jul 14, 1999 at 09:28:08AM -0700, John R Pierce wrote:
> >So how far before we hit 64 bit and *really* get nailed for speed??
> You mean 64 bits of optimal factoring? Unless George comes up with
> something very smart (ie. a new factoring algorithm), I guess we
> will be stuck with 64 bits as optimal for a while, I'm afraid :-(

Well, the current range of Mp candidate values (just under 8,000,000) is
described as using a 63 bit 'factor'... I would assume eventually this has
to go to 64 bits, but I'm not clear on the relationship between the exponent
and the FFT size and the 'fact bits' listed on the test status pages.

- -jrp

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Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 23:26:29 -0400 (EDT)
From: Lucas Wiman  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: subtracting 2: error in FAQ

I recieved a message pointing out a possible error in my FAQ:

> Speaking of Q2.6, I've heard that with Crandall's DWT, the subtraction
> 2 step costs nothing at all.  It's done automatically within the
> transformation.  Try checking this with George Woltman.

Is this true?

- -Lucas
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Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 03:44:43 +0000 (GMT)
From: Kris Garrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [none]

Could someone show me a proof for(if there is one):

The number 2^p-1 has factors in the form of 2pk+1
where k is any positive integer.

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Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 00:52:34 -0400 (EDT)
From: Lucas Wiman  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Proof of factor forms

> Could someone show me a proof for(if there is one):

> The number 2^p-1 has factors in the form of 2pk+1
> where k is any positive integer.


- -Lucas
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Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 11:42:45 +0200
From: "Steinar H. Gunderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: subtracting 2: error in FAQ (?)

At 23:26 14.07.99 -0400, Lucas Wiman wrote:
>> Speaking of Q2.6, I've heard that with Crandall's DWT, the subtraction
>> 2 step costs nothing at all.  It's done automatically within the
>> transformation.  Try checking this with George Woltman.
>Is this true?

Not knowing for certain; I thought the DWT did the modulo for you, not the

/* Steinar */

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Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 06:03:08 -0400 (EDT)
From: Lucas Wiman  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: subtracting 2: error in FAQ (?)

>>> Speaking of Q2.6, I've heard that with Crandall's DWT, the subtraction
>>> 2 step costs nothing at all.  It's done automatically within the
>>> transformation.  Try checking this with George Woltman.
>>Is this true?

>Not knowing for certain; I thought the DWT did the modulo for you, not the

Yes, it does the mod.  I read in the archives that x^2-2 could be interpreted
as a "delta polynomial" which would give it a valid Fourier transform.
I was wondering if this was what was actually performed.

I doubt it is as optimizing the -2 step would hardly produce amazing results.
Optimizing the -2 step down to nothing (with the amazingly high estimate of
1/50,000th of a sec) would gain only .3 CPU years for all exponents in the
7million range.  I was just making sure.

- -Lucas Wiman
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Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 00:42:50 -0400 (EDT)
From: Lucas Wiman  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: ECPP for intel (linux)

Does anyone know where I can obtain a copy of ECPP for the intel
platform, specifcally Linux?

I apologize for the slightly off topic-ness of this question...

thank you,
Lucas Wiman
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Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 05:57:38 -0400 (EDT)
From: Lucas Wiman  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: Adding FFT to the FAQ

I tried to add an FFT section to the FAQ, and here is what I got:
(please add, or correct errors...)

- -Lucas Wiman

P.S. Sorry if the FAQ is causing more traffic than it is supposed to prevent

Q6.1:  How can we perform the massive squarings required for the LL
test in reasonable time?

A:  We use a method known as FFT convolution.  In this method, we take the
number that we are squaring, and run an FFT on it.  This results in an array,
and we square each element in that array, and run an IFFT (iverse-FFT).  This
yields the answer mod some number.  This operates in O(n*log(n)) time, which
means that it is proportional to n*log(n).  This is a signicant improvement
over normal multiplication which is O(n^2).
Q6.2:  What is an FFT?

A:  An FFT is a Fast Fourier Transform.  These are often used in signal
processing, and they are basically transforming a signal into a series of
discrete sine and cosine waves.  For more information on FTT's, see the
following websites:
""   FFT Introduction (many
FFT links)
""    Fourier Transform in
Signal Processing
""   Numerical Recipes in C (See
parts on FFT)

I have also heard that the book _Who is Fourier_ is quite good, though I
have not read it.

Thank you Vincent J. Mooney Jr.
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Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 10:05:25 -0700
From: "John R Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: phew

> > Well, the current range of Mp candidate values (just under 8,000,000) is
> > described as using a 63 bit 'factor'... I would assume eventually this
> > to go to 64 bits, but I'm not clear on the relationship between the
> > and the FFT size and the 'fact bits' listed on the test status pages.
> OK, so you mean the exponent at which changeover from 63 bit trial
> factoring to 64 bit trial factoring occurs. This is a bit over 9
> million. The "break" actually occurs where we want to do more than 64
> bits trial factoring... George's current code is just as good at
> trial factoring to 64 bits as it is to 63 bits.

and the FFT sizes?  If I recall, right now we are doing ... ah, I found the
table on George's site, duh.

at 7,820,000 we just crossed over into 448K FFTs.
at 9,090,000 we hit 512K
at 10,380,000 we hit 640k.
etc til > 20,500,000 exceeds 1024k

so how big of a FFT can the current 18.x.x Prime95 handle?  Up to 1024K
FFTs?  If so, I guess we still have some headroom...

- -jrp

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End of Mersenne Digest V1 #598

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