<<Why not?  A P90 adds 1 P90 CPU year per year (give or take).  Not everyone
can afford a PIII/550.>>

I hope they're at least running P166s by now. What's the average machine a 
GIMPSter runs, assuming that the average machine runs 24 hours a day? I 
remember it being P181 a while ago, I think.

<<By that time (hopefully) the Intel architecture will be dead.>>

I hope it will be alive, just not x86. The Merced, released in 2000, will 
have IA-64 architecture and will _not_ be x86 hardware compatible, only 
software compatible (thru emulation). *drool*   Any word on if Mr. Woltman 
will be coding a Merced version of Prime95?

<<Non-US: million 10^6, milliard 10^9, billion 10^12,
 billiard 10^15, trillion 10^18 ...>>

Billiard? Hee hee hee.

<<I'm sensitive and sympathetic to what George & Scott are aiming at, 
but I'm coming round to the opinion that the best thing to do is to 
go back to the position on the $50K EFF prize - let it be awarded to 
the discoverer & trust that some filters back.>>

That's my opinion as well.

<<sorry, it's up to me what i do, they all get done in the end>>

Well, that's _one_ way of looking at it.

<<I have the digests from 383 onwards, I can put them up for download on my
web-site if anyone is interested.>>

That'd be useful. Register it with search engines. :-D

<<Yep, the fame. It's kinda nice to be in demand from radio, tv & press for a

Hee hee hee.

<<Prior to this there was a thread October 13-15, 1998>>

Please tell me you looked up that date and didn't memorize it....!

<<Someone will surely poach the exponent before completion>>

Evil! Evil! That.... that.... word! Aiiieee!

<<(The EFF's big money appears to be safe!)>>

Any projections on when we'll find a teraprime? *grin*

S. "I want me a Merced!" L.
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