Will Edgington writes:

>Or does someone already maintain a page with timings
>for non-Intel CPUs?  I don't recall seeing one.

Yes, there was such a page, but the person maintaining it never did much
beyond some initial small timing samples.

George, if you agree that the page is basically defunct, I'll be happy to 
maintain it.

I suggest making a table listing both the raw per-iteration timing for a given
code X on a given machine, but also defining a nondimensional parameter that 
measures the performance of code X relative to Prime 95, normalizing for clock
speed, e.g. let rp = relative performance:

       (code X iter. time)/(code X machine clock rate)
rp = ------------------------------------------------------------------- .
          (Prime95 iter. time)/(Pentium clock rate)

Thus, Prime95 = 1 by definition. Any rp < 1 indicates relastively poorer 
than Prime95, whereas rp > 1 indicates relatively better performance.

The table should include complete timings for a wide range of FT lengths, 
non-power-of-two runlengths. Then, codes lacking non-power-of-two runlengths 
list timings for those based on the timing for the next-higher power of two, 
i.e. would
automatically be penalized for lacking, say, N = 384K, by having to use the N 
timing (and rp relative to the Prime95 384K timing) in that column.

We should strive for as wide a range of machines and subtypes as possible, so 
to quantify more-subtle things such as behavior vs. cache size, which can be 
different for different implementations (e.g. codes like Prime95 and 
MacLucasUnix which are designed for small-cache, bandwidth-limited systems 
will perform well
on such systems, but may tend to benefit less from larger caches).

And of course we should allow for plenty of room for comments about the 
codes, e.g. whether it needs a particular compiler, whether binaries are 
whether it includes an integrated factorer, who maintains it, etc.

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