Tried mailing this from my work account but I am not subscribed:

> > TITLE: Discussion of an API for a High Performance FFT package 
> > 
> > SPEAKER: Peter Tang, Intel Corporation 
> > 
> > 
> > DATE: Thursday, August 12 
> > 
> > TIME: 9:00 am - 10:30 am 
> > 
> > LOCATION: Room 47A2, 33-07 bldg. Bellevue 
> > 
> > 
> > Peter Tang of Intel is currenly developing an API for a high
performance FFT library. He will be visiting the Boeing Bellevue Campus
all day, this coming Thursday, and will be making an informal, interactive
presentation of his work to date. He is interested in obtaining feedback
from experienced FFT users on the details of his design. He is also
interested in exploring concepts of macro libraries and how these might
benefit from hardware innovations, such as a programmable cache. Following
the presentation of his slides, he will be available all day for
discussions and interactions. I will be assembling a schedule for those
who would like to spend some time visiting with him. 

I asked about if he knew about GIMPS and the response was:

      The FFT library in question has not yet been written, so far as I
know.  The topic of this seminar was more about the specification of the 
external interface for a proposed FFT library being designed at Intel. 
This is important because of the objective that the new library support 
the functionality of the major, existing libraries.   Peter is quite a 
capable guy, and the project has the objective of delivering code that
is capable of "machine rate" performance.

Does anyone have any questions or suggestions that need to be passed on
to the coders doing this? Sounds like a beautiful chance to get some free
CPU cycles in a testing scenario and/or more publicity of some sort.

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