Alexander Kruppa wrote:
> Hi,
> M131071 has a factor: 14899621191992882743
> That wan't hard. But one thing puzzles me:
> P-1 = 2*3*61*6229*131071*49861943
> The factor was found after stage 1 with a limit of 500000 - how can it
> find a factor which is 1 mod (49861943) ? Another magic trick by George?

No, it's because you're stupid! This new factor is really two old
factors in disguise:

231733529 * 64296354767 = 14899621191992882743

and that explains nicely why they were found with B1=500000:

231733529 = 2*2*2*13*17*131071+1
64296354767 = 2*7*37*947*131071+1

I should try to remember keeping my lowm.txt file updated.

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