On Fri, 1 Oct 1999, Ian L McLoughlin wrote:
> Forgive me,
> But, I seem to be subscibing to a project which is utilising processors
> 'world-wide' for several purposes:
> A) For Programmers to enhance their skills at the 'cutting edge'

> B) For Web based people to increase their knowledge within a distibuted
> network.

> C):
> I realise that a lot of what is contributed is going to be used in
> encryption et.al...

I think you're confusing GIMPS and the Mersenne project which are almost
entirely about pure maths and efficient algorithms, and the Bovine project
which is about solving cryptographic challenges to show the strength/
weakness of the different encryption schemes.

Some of the algorithms developed for the Mersenne and similar projects,
have applications for cryptography, but it's mainly in the field of
breaking the codes, so it may have the effect of forcing the US government
to change their ways.

> Since I am based in Europe, and denied certain facilities from the web as to
> U.S. encryption bit encoding ( U.S. and Canada keeping it for
> themselves..?!)...
Canada has no choice in the matter, it's the US export restrictions that
dictate how software from the US can be reexported.

I'm in Europe too, and the EU is almost as bad, with Wassenaar putting
about as strong a grip on crypto as the US, though they put in a loophole,
so nonprofit software isn't covered:)

There are non-US implementations of most crypto protocols, so you should
definitely be able to stay safe if you think you need it.

> Is their an auterior motive behind this...???????
World domination of course, when has anyone wanted anything else.:)

> Just a thought.....
> Ian McLoughlin, Chematek U.K.
> Tel/Fax : +44(0)1904 679906
> Mobile   : +44(0)7801 823421
> Website: www.chematekuk.co.uk

Henrik Olsen,  Dawn Solutions I/S       URL=http://www.iaeste.dk/~henrik/
 `Can you count, Banjo?' He looked smug. `Yes, miss. On m'fingers, miss.'
 `So you can count up to ...?' Susan prompted.
 `Thirteen, miss,' said Banjo proudly.         Terry Pratchett, Hogfather

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