> When this is cleared up, it will make a good FAQ.
> Who maintains the FAQ list?   Do you agree the answer here is a good FAQ?
> >I would like to look for a factor of a mersenne prime in a specific area.
> >For example, for a mersenne exponent of say 40,000,000. I want to use the
> >Prime95b program, (v19 I guess), to search for a factor in a specific range
> >from, say, 2^40 to 2^50. I do not understand the ECM factoring instuctions
> >included with Prime95.

I maintain the FAQ (well, one of three anyway).

There is my FAQ which deals mostly with the math involved with Mersenne
numbers.  There is Scott's FAQ which deals with primenet, and there is
George's FAQ which deals with Prime95.

I have gotten questions involving all three (and at least 2 letters
which assert mine as the "best").  I like the current separation
for a number of reasons:
(1) It makes sense
(2) I know next to nothing about Prime95, and even less about primenet
(3) I don't really care enough about the other two to put forth much
effort. (Note that I *do* apreciate Prime95 and primenet, I just don't
care much about specific issues with them).

Now the last one might sound bad, but with school, I hardly have time
to add anything I care about to the FAQ (there is a section on P-1
factoring, Q3.10 BTW). 

Hopefully this should explain things a bit.  I will (eventually, once
I read more on it) add a section to the FAQ about ECM, but Prime95
specific issues I know little about, and George would be much better
suited to writing about this. 

Sorry if my rambling makes no sense...
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Mersenne Prime FAQ      -- http://www.tasam.com/~lrwiman/FAQ-mers

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